
Ojos de Santa Lucia

An erratically published missive on lady-saints that also circles around magic, femininity, perfume, radical tenderness, the stars, and cloth-bound books.

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On Audiences

16 January 2024

I've been thinking a lot about audience lately--I just read this fantastic letter from B.D. McClay, I had a book come out this year, I've been bouncing around book festivals and bookstores and book-things with my own book in hand, saying "my book!" in front of people who are purportedly, An Audience, but are also fellow writers and creators and such. I just had a post-pub recap meeting with my agent where a huge part of that conversation was just about the scarcity of places to publish book reviews or thoughtful little essays that relate to your book or anything where a normal person who hasn't hotwired their brain to the internet might find you. Even the internet is less good now--I'm barely on Twitter, BlueSky feels sleepy, and Instagram really doesn't feel like the place for conversation.  Read more.